It's Mourning in America

By Pam Grothaus

A friend emailed last evening, “I’m so depressed about all of this, I can hardly breathe.” 

Me, too. We are among the 75 million-plus voters whose sweeping Trump victory was stolen by thugs hell-bent on destroying our constitution, our morality, our liberty, our future. Short of divine intervention, they will have succeeded a few days from now, when the coup d’etat is complete. America — “the last best hope”— has fallen.

At the 1964 Republican National Convention, Ronald Reagan delivered the speech that would spark his political career and foreshadow what has come to pass: 

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

A mere six years old at that time, I was oblivious to the swirling threat of communism of which he spoke. I knew nothing of Our Lady of Fatima’s warning in 1917 that communist Russia would spread its errors around the globe and nations would be annihilated. I was at the threshold of a Catholic school education that would deliver me 12 years later into society still not knowing these things, pitifully catechized, and ill-prepared to recognize, let alone battle, the forces of evil. At age 18 I walked away from the Church knowing not what I was leaving behind. Thank you, Vatican II.

Decades later, when Ronald Reagan was memorialized in 2004, I finally learned about his prophetic speech — and nearly another decade passed before I learned about Our Lady of Fatima! For the first time in my life, my eyes were opened to the utter fragility of freedom and security as our post-911 America became terror-stricken, vehemently divided, and enslaved to oppressive laws and progressively more radical social mores that are mild compared to what we’re dealing with today. All of which drove me back to the Catholic faith. Thank you, Jesus.  

I may have been late to the party, but I certainly was not alone. I was among those who flocked to the Traditional Latin Mass in search of authentic Catholicism and who aligned with the Tea Party to fight for our Constitutional rights. With the providential election of Donald J. Trump, we were seeing the first rays of light return to a world darkened by decades of damage by leftists: a recharged economy, lower taxes, secure borders, the upholding of religious freedom, and the very real possibility of ending legalized child murder. And all of this in spite of non-stop trickery, high crimes and misdemeanors from the Deep State and, as we now know, the Deep Church.

Had the world not been plunged back into darkness in 2020, we were poised for a second term of Donald J. Trump’s leadership, and another round of “It’s Morning Again in America”, as portrayed in Ronald Reagan’s 1984 presidential campaign.  I was a low-information voter back then, but I well remember the political ad with its comforting image of a paperboy on his bicycle, tossing the daily news on front porches as the sun rose above cozy, Norman Rockwell-esque neighborhoods. The voiceover was captivating, uplifting and reassuring:

It’s morning again in America. Today more men and women will go to work than ever before in our country’s history. With interest rates at about half the record highs of 1980, nearly 2,000 families today will buy new homes, more than at any time in the past four years. This afternoon, 6,500 young men and women will be married, and with inflation at less than half of what it was just four years ago, they can look forward with confidence to the future. It’s morning again in America, and under the leadership of President Reagan, our country is prouder and stronger and better. Why would we ever want to return to where we were less than four short years ago?“

It is with no small amount of shock and horror that today we find ourselves among the dwindling number of people who can even remember this bygone and fleeting moment of hope and prosperity. We are the proverbial last men standing, while the censored and uninformed populace falls in line with communism thinly disguised as “Build Back Better.”

At least for now, it is mourning in America . . .

Today more men and women will be isolated, masked and prevented from pursuing their livelihoods than ever before in our country’s history. This afternoon, men will “marry” men, women will “marry” women, and with half of all marriages ending in divorce and the scourge of abortion, the future of nuclear families is in grave danger. It is mourning in America, and under the leadership of an illegitimate and corrupt Biden-Harris administration, our country and its example to the world as the shining city on the hill is no more. How could we ever allow this to happen?

Indeed, everything that was at work to Make America Great Again appears in the rearview mirror . . . that is, if we choose to stay on this highway to hell. And it is a time for choosing, like never before. Informed by our Catholic faith, let us choose to exit now and lead others with us back to the Way, the Truth and the Light. Let us be the ones to tell our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.

PAM GROTHAUS is a Catholic author, and this article is reprinted from

February 23, 2021 - 4:07pm

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