Restoring Our Catholic Identity
New book explores how we lost our Catholic identity.
And how we can reclaim it.
There’s always been a “Judas” in the Catholic Church. From the time of Jesus to our own day there have been:

Agenda-driven bishops

Heterodox priests

Heretical theologians

Lukewarm and laxed laity
Restoring Our Catholic Identity
is a clear and concise examination of the crisis in the Church today. Written with the average lay Catholic in mind, Paul Nelson lays out in plain English the ways in which we have been misled, the modernist priests and bishops responsible, and how we can reclaim our authentic Catholic identity.
During the last five decades, the Church has been transformed into an entity that doesn't resemble what it had been for two-thousand years. Wayward, agenda-driven, modernist bishops and priests have effected widespread heresies. Poorly catechized and gullible Catholics have bought into what was being peddled to them, believing these perversions to be acceptable within the Catholic Church.
As this trend continues today, Restoring Our Catholic Identity lays out plainly the ways in which the laity have been misled, who was responsible for it, and how we can repair the damage and restore the Roman Catholic Church to its original grandeur.
Order Restoring Our Catholic Identity Now
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Brief and to-the-point, with everything you need to know.

Written in plain English for the non-specialist concerned layman.

A clear roadmap for reclaiming our Catholic identity
Also available by Paul Nelson
Christians Must Reunite
Now is the Time
By: Paul A Nelson
We live in a secular culture where, unbelievably, speaking the truth is politically incorrect.
Political philosophies now govern the thinking of people, many in direct contradiction to what the Church teaches. Christianity is being minimized more every day, and perverse ideas regarding marriage, gender, mercy, and other things are becoming normalized and accepted.
There is a tremendous need today for clarity and truth. We cannot each have our own "truth," as many seem to think. Christ is the Truth, and His Church is the Truth, and the Bible is the Truth.
Within "Christians Must Reunite," you will find clear, concise, and accurate teaching. If you are seeking the truth, you will find theologically correct, to-the-point, and loving words on these pages. It's time to stop dancing around the issues.
Take the eye-opening journey through this short work of love. You won't be disappointed.
The purpose of this book...
We are at a crucial time in the history of the world when we must very carefully assess the way we live and examine our religious beliefs very closely. The evil that is taking place all around us is increasing at a frenetic pace, and much of it is being commonly accepted and even included in our laws. The fact that Christianity is being pushed to the background and virtually ignored should be a wake-up call to every human being
Were you aware that during the twentieth century more people died for the faith than in all previous centuries combined? The Christian Church has been infiltrated by heretics and false teachers like never before. The number of people actually inside the Church seeking to destroy it is staggering.
If there were ever a time for all Christians to reunite and become one mighty presence on earth for Jesus Christ, THIS is the time!